Business Cards…

(Or how I got my techno-groove on)

I have an opportunity to meet with someone about my new young adult mystery, Double Take. While thinking about what I would say, it suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t have a business card. Yikes.

So I started designing one. While looking up ideas of what others had done, I ran across a cool QR code creator called QR Code Monkey

I designed the front of the card to match my more playful side and the back to satisfy that part of me that loves to geek out. With a regular QR reader app, you can hover over the left side and *bing* you are transported to my Amazon author page. Hover over the right side, *bing* you’re looking at our Pyrofuse website.

A good Epson printer, medium weight linen paper, and a good cutter did the rest. I now have my first author business cards.

Let me know what you think or if you have suggestions. Would appreciate the feedback.

2 thoughts on “Business Cards…

  1. teardroptwist June 25, 2019 / 2:47 pm

    Maybe use a pic that changes with the season????After all, your mantel does If someone shows your card you can id when they picked it up.

    OTOH. Do not change a thing…perfect.


    • bobbibowwoman June 25, 2019 / 3:18 pm

      Very clever idea. That way I know when the person picked up the card. Hummmm. Thanks for that, JHB.


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