Squirrels Won’t Stay Still!


The other day I entered the dining room to find my dear husband, binoculars in hand, getting a close up of the squirrels and birds feasting a few yards past our deck.  Not satisfied with the details a smart phone picture would include.  He spent the morning shifting between his glasses and binoculars to practice some wildlife drawings.

Although admittedly biased, I think he did a lovely job!



HoHoDooDa 2017 — sketched out

The following guest blog is by Linda Sylvestri.  Her work shows up from time to time on my blog.  As I’m beginning to “deck the halls” and work through all the boxes and events, Linda’s work gives me a chuckle.


Oh hey! Announcing (last minute, as is tradition) the beginning of HoHoDooDa 2017 (or Holiday Doodle A Day!) If this tiny reindeer looks familiar, it may be because I’ve posted him in the past and he’s been nominated as spokescritter for this year. Oh and I realize they’re actually antlers, but antler-ments just didn’t really work. So, what […]

via HoHoDooDa 2017 — sketched out

Guest Blogger –Time Travelling Owl — creartfuldodger

He was timeless, literally. He could flit in and out of the time space continuum at will. It was just the way he was hard-wired. He embraced his “exceptionality”. The ephemera: Antique French document circa 1800s; high quality reproduction of natural history illustration of an owl. The found objects: vintage watch movement; parts and dials; […]

via Time Travelling Owl — creartfuldodger

Lunaria – Spring Show


Jane Castelan Buccola and Robert Fox collaborated for Lunaria’s Spring Show.  Buccola, with her bold pastels, oils, and acrylic flowers looked lovely with Fox’s glass flowers.


“First Friday’s” at the Lunaria Gallery in Silverton, Oregon USA, was a big success as you can see from the smiles on the two artists featured.  Other artists were there and the entire gallery was decked out with samples of each artist’s work.


I was amazed by how beautiful the show was laid out with paintings and flowers sharing colors.


Love the driftwood used to show off a grouping of the flowers.  I was able to bring my favorite home, which is now hanging on our wall.

(Full disclosure, my husband is the glass artist. )


Christmas Pleasures


A few years back, my husband decided to challenge himself by creating a beautiful pastel using angels and things around the house and yard.  He brought in boughs and rose cones from our backyard cedar.   I collected some angels, candles, and ornaments and organized the still life.  It took him days (weeks?) to do the pastel, but once framed, takes center stage over the mantle each Christmas.

As we unpack the angels, my favorite task is to dress the mantle.  I like to place the three angels used in the still life near his art piece.


I remember sharing last year’s mantel in this blog. (Added it below)  It is about the same….little changes.  But still I keep the three angels nestled around the pastel my husband lovingly created for our home.
