A year at the coast (not really)


Dreams and goals are a funny lot.  They change or intensify as other things either move out of the way, take their place, or come true.

I once had a dream to live on the coast.  I didn’t have to live there forever….just one year.  I wanted to see all the seasons, storms and all.  My life changed and without regret, I put that dream in my back pocket.

It’s years later, and I dusted off that dream and looked at it in a different way.  What if hubs and I stayed 3 days and 2 nights at the coast each month for an entire year. That would do it!

Last month was our Ocean family reunion  Fox Fun

November, hubs and I stayed at a favorite spot in Lincoln City “The Sandcastle.”  The weather was nippy, indeed, but I saw several rainbows over the ocean.  What a hopeful image.  We also watched a seal travel north to south, popping its head up every once in a while.  Our eyes were glued to the waves when one or the other of us would call out….”there it is”……….. “there it is”…….. “there it is.”

We took some time out of our ocean watching to pop in and out of the quirky little shops downtown. Unhurried, we were able to chat with some of the store owners.  Being November, downtown looked like a ghost town.  But hubs and I were content. Some of that had to do with his favorite pizza place, Tie-Dye Pizza, being open.


In the middle of the night I crept to the curtains and peeked out. The tide was out and above, clouds had parted enough for me to gaze at the stars.  On our last morning we saw patches of glorious blue sky.  While this picture does not show it, what looks like a speck in the center of the photo is really a half moon.

On our way home we saw that someone with time and a sense of humor had grown a smiley face on the side of a hill.  From our view it looked a little like “The Grinch that Stole Christmas” but I am sure the intent was a smiley face.


A lovely weekend.  Goodbye ocean…..see you next month.

Sunday Comics


38. First trip

My brother has been hard at play/work building a tear drop trailer. This is what happened when he took it for a spin.

A TearDrop Trailer build with a Twist

I finally got things all tucked in and loaded up for an overnight at Clinton Lake State park.

The trailer travels just fine, even at 65 mph.  I did learn that air pressure will pop a door open if it is not well secured. 😬

Everything went very well except I forgot to pack a folding  chair so I was stuck sitting on the picnic table.  There was no fire ring at my site so I was glad I brought my home-made Swedish camp torch.




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Sunday Comics

Fox Fun


Cousins playing on the Oregon coast…. Does it get better than that?  Chilly and rainy…but who really cares?  The waves were amazing and at night we could sit across from a row of windows and watch lightening spark behind clouds in the distance.

Year two of our family weekend at the coast (now a tradition).  We rented the same house as last year.  Three generations playing, laughing, enjoying time together.  It was an amazing treat. You can pack a lot into three days and two nights.  Cousins, a staircase, and a slinky….need I say more?


Friday night we celebrated Bryon’s birthday with a huge rice crispy treat 38!


Inside, we had game night and plenty of laughter.


Saturday night was the talent show (followed by pizza).  Each participated.  Mom was the magician’s assistant as pencils were poked through a bag filled with water.  (She also had her own talent, but folks came forward when audience participation was required.)


The cousins took every opportunity to stick together.

Next year’s dates have already been locked in and we got the same house.  Goodbye coastal “home.”  See you next year.