Break Time


Exactly 450 blog posts ago I started with the belief that I had so much to share with the world.  Hubris, indeed.  The blog has turned into more of an events journal, rarely going deeper than day to day happenings, some thoughts, and tweets that made me laugh.

The subjects that are most dear, I have not blogged about: my health journey and the politics happening in the US presently.  Am I a coward?  I don’t know.  I do admire those with a unique voice that share what is really going on with their lives in a way that reaches out and helps others.  Can I do that?  Do I have the courage?

I only know that I am giving myself time to re-group.  For the last several years I’ve posted 3-4 times a week.  Faithfully.  Have I run out of words.  If you know me, you know that is impossible.  But what am I willing to share?  Will this continue as a journal of sorts…..happy events?  Or will I have the desire and guts to share those deep places in my heart.  Time will tell.

“It’s okay to take a break.”  I will repeat these words again and again to myself until I believe them.

Christmas Spirit


PVC “Walkers” for novice skaters.   What a clever idea.

Today Robert and I had lunch out and then took a stroll to see the new tent in town.  Salem (Oregon) decided that it needed a skating rink at the waterfront park.  From the outside it looked like a huge white turtle-shaped tent.  Inside, it was all a buzz with music, laughter, and the soft scraping of blade against ice.

It brought me back to ice skating as a child on a pond near our home.  Very different, of course.  My experience could have been a template for a Norman Rockwell painting.  The air, so cold.  I navigated my skates with a wobble and could never get the hang of skating backwards.  But it was such fun.  Once I got into a glide, it felt like flying.

The tent today was filled with very loud music and so many people.  Did I even try to skate?  No.  But I loved watching those brave enough to do so.  Everything was different about my experience as a child and this big beautiful tent full of strangers.  Everything, except the crackle of excitement that filled the air.

Thank you, Salem, for this bold experiment.  You made my day and you gave the city a wonderful winter experience.  May this year be the first of many for the big white tent.

Making Puns


Recently my nine year old grandson, Jack, has taken an interest in Linda Silvesti’s wonderful sketches with puns.  He wanted to give it a try.  So, with pen and paper he went off to make a sketch.

This guy, he explains, has confused his shoe with a taco.  So, he’s wearing the taco and just put his shoe in the microwave.  “Where’s my taco?” he questions.  He imagines a can eating his taco not realizing the taco is on his foot.  The can, wanting the taco is a


So there we have it.  The beginning of a new pun-ner.  (He told me to type this.)

HoHoDooDa 2017 — sketched out

The following guest blog is by Linda Sylvestri.  Her work shows up from time to time on my blog.  As I’m beginning to “deck the halls” and work through all the boxes and events, Linda’s work gives me a chuckle.


Oh hey! Announcing (last minute, as is tradition) the beginning of HoHoDooDa 2017 (or Holiday Doodle A Day!) If this tiny reindeer looks familiar, it may be because I’ve posted him in the past and he’s been nominated as spokescritter for this year. Oh and I realize they’re actually antlers, but antler-ments just didn’t really work. So, what […]

via HoHoDooDa 2017 — sketched out

Birthday in the Park


Fun and games with the birthday boy turning double digits.  Games, play, costumes, searching for gems, pulled pork sliders and picnic food.  What fun!


The birthday boy and his “crew” prepare for battle.


First game of Kid Kubb goes to the little ones.


“Wind” blows


The “Shadow” knows


“Fire” crackles


“Death” ….scary


Mom and Dad still have the energy to smile after hosting such a full energy bash.


The birthday boy dabs out.

Kid’s Kubb


While thinking about our grandchild’s birthday party at a park, I wondered what field games could be played with the variety of ages in attendance.  My brother, who was visiting at the time, introduced us to Kubb, a game from Sweden he had heard about.

There was a great deal of information on YouTube and Google about the game.  A few of us watched several videos and thought it would be a splendid game….and one we could make rather “easily.”  Lincoln and I discussed colors and how to change the original rules to something more birthday-friendly.

My husband, who can make anything, bought a couple of dowels, a piece of wood, and gathered some wood from a wooden pallet.  He cut everything to size and rough sanded the pieces.


I took over the blocks and painted them with used paint from the garage.  It took a while, but it helped to give the wood two-three coats.

The next step took the longest.  I taped off each block and baton in preparation for the colors.


To say this step took hours would not be hyperbole.  Still, it was fun to see the colors bring the set to life.


Once the set was painted two or three more times, everything was handed back over to my husband who sprayed a sealer on the entire set.  Yes, several coats.


The game turned out to be a lot of fun.  After the kids played a couple of games, the adults played as well.  It was a success, and a game I hope we will play for years to come.

Amazon Prime Madness


“Try it FREE for a month…..”

Six most dangerous words online.  “Try Amazon Prime,” they said.  “You’ll love it,” they said.

Well, dang it, “they” were right and I may now be hooked.

I started my month timidly, making sure I was ONLY getting what I would otherwise buy.  Three weeks in, I’m LOOKING for things to buy.  Lord, have mercy.

It started with Divina Dolmas, the best stuffed grape leaves I have ever eaten.  One 4.4 lb can makes four meals for Hubs and myself.  Add a salad, and there ya go!  The shipping for a can a month would pay for Amazon prime (so I told myself).  What a deal.


While searching for more goodies, I found a six pack.  I mean, who does not need 26.4 lbs of dolmas.  I sure do.  Amazon probably thinks I am part owner of a Greek restaurant.  So now I have cans stuffed around closets, etc. since our pantry can only hold one can.

The box came with 3 straight cans, two with dings, and one soundly smashed.

Will I continue Amazon Prime after the 30 days.  I do not know.  But I have enough dolmas to eat while I think about it.

Eagle Creek Fire


Photograph and poem by Emily Bittel

Eagle Creek Fire  2017

I breathe, and smoke fills my lungs.

The forest I love is burning –

The place we first backpacked together.

The senseless loss is staggering.


What will be left when the burning is done?

We will shuffle through ash

Shake it from our socks into little piles on the floor of the tent.


Perhaps our grandchildren’s children

Will gaze up with wonder

At the lofty heights of the douglas fir

Through the filter of vibrant vine maple.


I pray for rain as the ash drifts down from the sky

Flakes of a forest I once knew

The last time light will shift through its leaves.

Head in my arms, I cry


Maybe, just maybe, my tears will water the desolation.


I thank Emily for sharing her personal poem.  Below is a picture from katutv, a split screen of what the Bonneville Dam looks like normally, and now during the fire.  My heart goes out to all those working the PNW fires, the critters who make the forests their home, and the forests themselves.  Photo: National Coast Trail Association


Oregon State Fair


Robert has worked at the Artisan Village for the last 8 years.  Two days of set-up, 11 days of demonstrating and selling his artwork, then a day to break down the booth.  Eight long years working the Oregon Fair.

This year he retired from the fair and we went on an Oregon State Fair date.  Loads of walking and enjoying all the sights.  A root-beer shake from his favorite booth for Robert and fresh grilled corn on the cob for me.

The fair is so big, we had to make a mental list of things we wanted to do.  Either do them or wait until next year!

Robert wanted to see his chums who he had worked along side for the last few years.  I wanted to ride the sky chair.


We arrived in the morning when the place was pretty quiet and still cool.  The weather was in our favor.


A short trip to the fair lasted about four hours, but was loads of fun.  Loads!

See you next year, Oregon State Fair.